I hope this finds you safe and in good spirits and that you are doing your part in taking care of you, your family and your business during this time. The world has never experienced anything like this before. Our great country the United States of America has declared War on a virus. Businesses are shuttered and restaurants are closed. Things we took for granted are now hard to find! No one was prepared for this nor did anyone expect it to take a nation that runs 24-7 and close it in just a few short weeks. Will we be the same as we were, or will we be better? Will we learn anything from this global pandemic? Yes, and yes! And we will rise to the occasion and our businesses will flourish once more for we are A GREAT NATION!
Our businesses will need your support America and your patience as they rebuild their workforce. Yes, some will be back to full swing quickly while our bread and butter, the small businesses will struggle to replace the staff they lost and to reestablish the customer base they once had. Some will be starting all over even though they have been a part of your community for 20 years.
Some of these businesses were struggling even before the Coronavirus hit. So what should they do? They need to reinvent themselves by determining why they were struggling in the first place! It’s time for you to see the problems that you knew existed but accepted and allowed these problems to damage your business. I call these problems Hard Habits TO Break(HHTB). These HHTB eat away at your profits because they have become a part of your foundation. You allowed them in the door and now before you open again it is time for you to remove these HHTB once and for all.
Maybe the HHTB is a family member or longtime employee who is pulling down the morale of all of your employees because you hold them to a much lower standard and it has created resentment and tension in your workplace. It might also be the employee you feel you just cannot do without. You have allowed them to strangle your business and you know they need to go but for some reason they are still there. These are your HHTB and it is time to change that.
Every year people all over the world decide to make changes in their lives. They set goals to defeat those HHTB that are in their lives only to watch them fizzle out in a few short weeks. Every one of us has let HHTB stop us from our goals. Some of these goals are easy like getting closer to God and family, losing weight, quitting smoking, exercising more and drinking less! These goals should be easily attainable but you have let the HHTB of laziness or procrastination keep you from meeting your goals.
Do you realize these HHTB control you, spend your money and slowly erode your life your family and your business?
Which one of these is a HHTB for you? Are these the excuses that HHTB use to defeat you? Your too busy, to tired, not enough time, more important things to do or is it just too hard of a task! Is it the big one you are just to lazy to do anything about it today but will get on it tomorrow and now that HHTB has been with you for 20 years.
So you have let those HHTB dictate your life, control it and take it out of your hands. Right now, I hope you are saying I can do it I can overcome these HHTB once and for all. Do not put off another day taking your life your family and your business back. An opportunity has presented itself that will allow you to overcome these HHTB? Do you see the opportunity and are you going to seize the moment and take back control of your life your family and your business?
Your response had better be YES I am so what is the opportunity?
Well my friends and colleagues the opportunity is Coronavirus! Yes, that’s right Coronavirus! You have been laid off or forced to close your business and now have all day to tackle these HHTB!Once you finish reading this article get up get going determine where the HHTB are in your life and set a plan in place to eliminate them from your personal and business life. Take no for an answer. Enlist everyone in your house and business to defeat these HHTB.
Set in place a new workout schedule. Clean out all the food that stops you in your tracks. Make healthy choices and stick with it. Make a new business plan and analyze every process and procedure. Eliminate everything that is not necessary and start over fresh. Remove those family, friends and long-term employees that are a HHTB!
I want to give you an example of what I have seen. A few weeks ago, I was eating in your basic dining establishment. The server was bringing every table a new glass of water every time they needed a refill. I looked at my table of 2 and there were 8 glasses that needed to be washed. As I looked around, I saw 30 to 40 glasses on just 4 to 5 tables. As a business owner I was appalled at the fact that the employee just kept dirtying dishes for someone else to clean. All it took was a pitcher and 30 to 40 glasses would not have had to be collected, carried, washed, stacked and carried to another destination where they could be used again. This is a common problem where the employee is the HHTB. They do not care about the workload they place on other employees or how much it costs you. It’s time for them to break their HHTB or they must go!
Dad, Mom, Business owner, and Boss it is time for you to take control. Cut your costs by teaching your kids and employees to turn the light switch off and to close the door because AC is not cheap. Teach your employees the KISS (Keep It Simple) method. Which means do it once not twice or 3 times. Smash the HHTB that says this is the way we have always done it. Eliminate every step that is nonproductive. All these steps are just HHTB in disguise.
The lack of training and leadership is another HHTB. No one is going to watch the bottom line but you. To that server it was easier to dirty a glass than to carry a pitcher because they do not see the cost associated with their HHTB. I see this scenario play out in every business. Employees doing what is easier for them and that means it is costing you more. These employees have HHTB from home and they bring them into your business. Will you let these HHTB break you financially?
You now have the time to make the necessary changes in your personal and business life or will you just use the same excuses again?
So, what’s it going to be!
Can you do it by yourself or maybe you need a coach like HardHabitsToBreak.com who will help you with a plan of action to overcome these HHTB or will you just curl up and accept defeat from these HHTB that have controlled your finances, your life your family and your business!
Are you going to conquer these HHTB and make the necessary changes for you, your family, and your business family? Getting rid of those HHTB will empower you to rise above and lead your family and employees to greener pastures.
It’s time to make that change! You will look back at this Coronavirus pandemic and realize that this gave you the opportunity to break once and for all your HHTB.
There is only one HHTB that can keep you from the overcoming all we have discussed and that is YOU!
Take back your life your family and your business and let nothing stop you. You did it before and you can do it again.
God Speed and go smash some HHTB!